Author: twobadjacks


We all have challenges with our dogs. Something they do or don’t do that really bothers us, but doesn’t seem to bother us enough to make us do something about it. We get frustrated or even angry. We might even yell at the dog for the behavior, yet we don’t actually take positive steps to […]


Ask five different people to describe what adventure means and you will most likely get five different descriptions. This isn’t necessarily surprising to most of us, as it is true of almost any topic you ask people about. What I find surprising is that we don’t take this variability of what adventure can be to […]

What if?

How can you prepare for “what if”? How do you plan for every contingency? How do you stay safe while having fun adventures with your dog? It starts with the most valuable tool in our human toolbox. It starts with our brain. No matter how much you prepare, there is always going to be something […]

Manage Until You Teach

The clacking and movement of the printer drives one of my dogs to be crazy. She attacks the printer and has broken one already. We are teaching her to be ignore the printer, but she’s not there yet. So we manage her when we are printing and we don’t have the time or patience to […]


The best trainers in the world, use the environment they are in and the world around them to teach their dogs everything they need to know to be successful. Beyond that, high value rewards, a long line and the brain between the ears (both dog and human) are all the tools you really need. Rewards […]


Does your dog trust you? Do you trust your dog? I work with a lot of people who struggle to trust their dogs in any number of situations. They are very surprised when I tell them their dog doesn’t trust them either. Trust is a two-way street you can’t give it, if you aren’t getting […]

Actions – Not Words

Humans are very noisy creatures. We will use a thousand sounds to communicate the simplest things. Our expressions and body language convey much more information and subtlety than our words ever do, yet we are so heavily dependent on our spoken and written words to convey our messages. When it comes to our dogs, we […]